Who is Brendan McCaw?
Brendan is in a unique position to help you transition into the next phase of your life.
Throughout his career, he has helped people make adjustments and changes, either through Reiki or Energy Healing and grief coaching or as a former realtor and financial planner.
As a financial planner, Brendan assisted clients in reviewing their financial portfolios for many years, based on their personal risk level, assets, and fixed pension expectations. He would review time frames to retirement, estate issues, and activities his clients were intending to pursue once retired. He would discuss the costs of these activities, and for how long his clients would want to do them. Managing his clients’ assets had to take into account all of these important factors to ensure the level of income would be available when the time arrived.
When Brendan worked in the real estate industry as an agent he would discuss his client’s goals and needs, their current and future lifestyles, and how a property sale and/or purchase would play into their life scenario.
These professions afforded Brendan the opportunity to guide his clients through life transitions involving discussions regarding future plans.
When Brendan, a natural-born spiritual healer, turned his professional life to helping people heal their spiritual and emotional pain through his Reiki practice and healing and grief coaching, he realized that financial planning was only one aspect of retirement. He noticed the need his clients had in other areas, such as mental and physical well-being.
This is what makes Brendan so uniquely positioned to help you transition to the next phase of your life; a life called retirement, but not necessarily a life that sees you withdraw from it, but rather as a fully engaged, contributing, and valuable member of our society.